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Getting ready to live with new friends-Cat

by 벨라 Teacher 2023. 3. 16.

I still can't forget the moment when my cat became our family.

On a very cold day with a lot of snow, there was a cat walking around crying with snow on its fur.

I looked at the cat and waited, thinking, "I'm going to watch until that cat's mother comes,"

but it didn't come after hours later.

So we took the cat to our place. That's how I live with my cat.

Actually, It wasn't easy to live with a cat all of a sudden.

There were more things to prepare and study than we thought.

Amazing foot. Yummy Jelly.

So, I'm going to share some tips for people who have cats as a family.
Here are some important things to consider and prepare before bringing your new feline friend home.

0. Research and choose the right breed or type of cat for your lifestyle

There are many different breeds and types of cats with

varying temperaments, energy levels, and grooming requirements.

Consider factors like your living space, activity level, and time available for grooming before making your choice.

1. Prepare your home

Make sure your home is safe for your new cat.

This includes removing any hazardous items, like poisonous plants and chemicals,

and creating a comfortable space for your cat to rest and play.

Consider purchasing a litter box, food and water bowls, scratching posts, and toys.

2. Schedule a veterinary appointment

Before bringing your cat home, schedule an appointment with a veterinarian to ensure your new pet is healthy and up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations.

Establish a relationship with your vet so you can quickly address any health concerns that may arise.

3. Create a feeding schedule

Determine how often you will feed your cat and what type of food you will provide.

Cats are carnivores, so it's important to choose a high-quality, protein-rich cat food.

Consult with your vet for recommendations on specific types and brands of cat food.

4. Provide proper grooming and hygiene

Cats are generally clean animals, but they still require regular grooming to maintain their fur, skin, and overall health.

Make sure to brush your cat's fur regularly, trim their nails, and keep their teeth clean.

5. Plan for play and exercise

Cats need regular play and exercise to stay healthy and happy.

Plan for daily play sessions with toys and interactive activities to keep your cat active and engaged.

6. Consider pet insurance

Pet insurance can help offset the cost of unexpected medical expenses.

Research and compare different pet insurance options to find the best fit for you and your cat.

Raising a cat can be a rewarding experience,

but it's important to prepare properly to ensure the health and happiness of your new furry friend.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to providing a loving and caring home for your new cat.

Thanks for your reading.

Have a nice day with your lovely cat :)
